近日,我们办公室收到Hurstville公立小学(HPS)众多家长的电话和邮件,对于学校门口Orange St一处新建房屋违规封闭一段人行道这一事情,大家纷纷表示了深切的安全担忧。
“Hi James, I am writing to ask for your help to solve an urgent safety issue faced by the kids attending Hurstville Public School. Near the school gate on the Orange Lane, there is a new house being built in Orange Street. As shown in the attached photos, about 3 weeks ago the builder has put up a fence in front of the nearly finished house and all the way to the kerbside, completely blocked the footpath. So the kids are forced to step on to the street to walk around the fence. To make it even more dangerous, I had seen more than twice that people parked their cars next to the fence during the peak hours in the afternoon – around 3pm.When this happened, the kids had no choice but to walk in the middle of the street in order to bypass the fence and the parked car. Orange Street is a narrow street and around 3pm there is always heavy traffics, so you can imagine how dangerous it is”
“An Inspection was carried outyesterday, 5 June 2018 by a Development Compliance officer. The Compliance officer met with the owner/builder on site whoagreed to the design of a temporary pathway to be constructed which nowprovides clear access for the public. “
这件事情也得到了乔治河市市长Kevin Greene先生的高度重视,今天市长特地与州议员顾问James Zhou一起冒着时有时无的阵雨来到现场考察整改情况,以确保该地段没有安全隐患。
2017年10月,应Hurstville公立小学校长Mr Mark Steed的邀请,柯民思州议员和顾问James Zhou专程访问该校。在长达近一个半小时的交流中,学校周边道路交通安全是大家普遍关心并重点讨论的话题。
·由Kenwyn Street转入ForestRoad设置“LeftTurn Only“指示牌;
·学校正门口Forest Rd的人行道交通灯时间延长为10秒。
·学校另一侧门口Orange Lane的人行道拓宽正在等市政府批准;
·Lily Street转入Forest Road设置“Left Turn Arrow”正在等州交通及海事局RMS安装;
·Lily Street交界Forest Road路口人行道拓宽、交通灯升级正在等州交通及海事局RMS安装。