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当时年仅16岁的越南偷渡少年Phong被发现时,已经严重脱水(severe dehydration)、生命垂危。他被紧急送往医院,并在那里得到了医护人员的精心照料。住院六天后,他恢复了健康,又被当地政府送往一户寄养家庭,在那里,他第一次有了自己的卧室,还有家人无微不至的关怀。
图 via CNN
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"Dear England, I'm writing a letter to tell you what a difference you have made to my life. You have saved my life. You have given me a family and a home,"
"When I came to the UK, when I woke up in the hospital I was very scared and panic. I don't know where I am, what happen to me, I hurt all over my body and couldn't eat. I could only use my neck and fingers just a little bit."
"Thank you to everyone for helping me with English and myself. Now I believe in myself and I am positive instead of negative."
"Thank you for finding me, making me better in hospital. Thank you for giving me a family, they love me and me too. Thank you for giving me an education. Thank you social services and government for your help and care. I never believed I would be loved. There is now a big rainbow in my life instead of darkness.
▲A 16-year-old was put in a suitcase and smuggled to the UK. Now he's thanking Britain for giving him a home. (via CNN)
而当时把Phong“走私”来英国的罗马尼亚籍走私犯Andrei Iancu,被监禁18个月。
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