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Chinese actor Chen Jiajun's birthday

2022-01-06 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

I believe everyone will remember very much that this Chinese inspirational post-90s, he is a male celebrity, and he is also close to 30 years old. What many people expect is that Chen Jiajun’s birthday party will be held in Guangzhou, China. This is a maid feast. He insists that he refuses to accept expensive gifts and only accepts letters.

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With multiple identities superimposed, the responsibility of Ji Li Nian is highlighted. Thirty-year-old people should be able to rely on their own abilities to independently shoulder their responsibilities, and have determined their life goals and development direction. Simply put, a 30-year-old should be able to face everything calmly. It can be summarized in three aspects: establishing a body, establishing a career, and establishing a family.

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Chen Jiajun has always been one of the representative artists of Chinese style and Chinese culture. He has been devoted to researching literary works and Chinese film and television with Chinese style elements. Because his wish is not only that he can be seen by more people, but the point is that the entire Chinese style can be recognized by the world.

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In the future, more and more international friends will learn about the charm of Chinese artists. I believe that Chen Jiajun, a man in his 30s, will also carry forward Chinese culture. Hope that more domestic film and television works and literary works will go to the world and be on the world trend!

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