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CEIBS talent amongst Poets & Quants 2022 award winners

2022-05-26 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

From the Best 40 Under 40 Professors to the 100 Best & Brightest MBAs, CEIBS talent have made waves recently as recipients of some of Poets & Quants’ annual awards for 2022. Rubbing virtual shoulders with faculty and alumni from top global schools such as Stanford, Wharton, INSEAD and London Business School this year were CEIBS Assistant Professor of Economics Howei Wu and MBA 2022’s Raffaele Ragini. Read on for the highlights.

CEIBS Professor Howei Wu amongst P&Q’s Best 40 Under 40 MBA Professors for 2022

CEIBS Assistant Professor of Economics Howei Wu has been named amongst Poets & Quants’ 40 Under 40 MBA Professors for 2022.

The award is given each year to MBA professors under the age of 40 who are “masters in the classrooms, who influence business and policy, who are prolific researchers, and who have demonstrated meaningful impact on their fields.”

“I try to be accountable for what I say in class. I stick to what (I think) I know, and only discuss the topics I have had training in. It’s always good to bring up-to-date examples into classroom discussion, but I try to not chase the hot topics outside of my expertise since admitting what I don’t know is also an important aspect of being a professor,” she said in a statement shared with P&Q.

Prof. Wu joined CEIBS in 2018, where she currently teaches macroeconomics on the school’s MBA programme.

“The best part about teaching is the interaction with students, and by teaching business school students, I get to converse with the brightest and the most creative ones. They force me to make my courses more practical and applicable,” she says.

Her teaching and research interests include monetary economics, innovation economics and China’s economic development – topics which are both fascinating and challenging to teach.

“Most students think macroeconomics is unrelated to their future work; but, on the contrary, the issues that macroeconomics studies and the fundamental logic of the discipline are very relevant. I try to show my students that the basic underlying theory can be applied to understand most economic policies,” she explains.

Prior to joining CEIBS, Prof. Wu taught at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, where her classes consistently ranked in the top 5% from amongst approximately 1,300 courses.

She received her Ph.D. and M.A in Economics from Stanford University, B.A. in Economics from Tsinghua University (Taiwan) and B.S. in Quantitative Finance from Tsinghua University (Taiwan).

“I’m grateful for all the kindness and help I have received along the way. Hard work is important, but so is luck!” she says.

P&Q’s 40 Under 40 list is compiled annually from nominations submitted by business students, faculty, alumni, and administrators around the world.

Past 40 Under 40 Recipients

Past CEIBS recipients of the 40 Under 40 honour include Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Michelle Xue Zheng, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Emily David, Professor of Organisational Behaviour Sebastian Schuh and Associate Professor of Marketing Hyun Young Park.

Michelle Zheng


Emily David


Sebastian Schuh


Hyun Young Park


CEIBS MBA 2022’s Raffaele Ragini makes P&Q’s Best & Brightest

On top of his studies at CEIBS, Raffaele Ragini (MBA 2022) has served as President of Consumer Goods and Services Club and was a recipient of the Student Committee Special Award Club and CEIBS Diversity Scholarship. He also made Poets and Quants’ list of the 100 Best & Brightest MBAs in 2022. See below for a Q&A with Raffaele about his background, his experience at CEIBS and where he is headed next.

Please share one fun fact about yourself.

I was born in San Marino, the oldest republic in the world. The city-state has a population of only 30,000 people – as big as the compound in Shanghai where I live now!

Where did you do your undergraduate studies and what was your major?

I did a Bachelor in International Economics, Management and Finance, Finance Major at Bocconi University.

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

I worked as a National Marketing Manager at Procter & Gamble.

Where did you intern during the summer of 2021?

At Allbirds, in their Shanghai office, leading their marketing strategy for China.

Where will you be working after graduation?

I will be working as the Chief Marketing Officer for CrossFund.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?

On the business side, I’m proud I was able to lead the launch of what became the third most profitable brand for P&G Europe. This project took 18 months from conception to launch and involved more than 100 employees from different departments and countries, tens of key customers, and several marketing agencies.

On the personal side, I’m proud I drove a cultural change in P&G Italy, making the company more inclusive and more receptive to everyone’s unique diversity. I personally talked in front of audiences of more than 300 employees explaining why lifting and nurturing diversity should be relevant to all of them. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and it was a truly rewarding experience.

Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college?

My father was a successful entrepreneur in the real estate industry and I grew up experiencing his success. He would spend evenings explaining how his business worked and would sometimes bring my brother and me to his construction sites. The way he impacted our community and his generosity truly inspired me. I want to create the same value in society.

Which academic or extracurricular achievement were you most proud of during business school?

I’m particularly proud of the achievements I made as President of the Consumer Goods & Services Club. My team and I came into contact with several multinational companies operating in China, like PepsiCo, Gucci, Unilever and Apple, and we were able to provide learning and employment opportunities for our peers. I was proud to be held up as a role model during mock interviews with industry leaders and happy to learn from and for my classmates.

Moreover, I’m proud my team and I were able to do this during the pandemic. We often had to reschedule things due to COVID-19. In response, we organised hybrid meetings to accommodate our cohort divided on two continents (in China and in Europe) and we dealt with tight safety regulations which challenged our offline events. In recognition of our efforts, we were awarded by the Student Committee and received a lot of positive feedback from our peers.

Founded in 2010, P&Q is widely regarded as one of the world’s top sources for in-depth reports and information on global business schools and MBA education.

Writers| James Kent and Michael Thede

Editors| Effy He and Michael Thede

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Want to learn more about CEIBS programmes? Click ‘Read more’ below.

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