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The Love Transmitted in Hot Weather

2022-07-29 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

By Gou Wen

Recently, Ningbo entered the hottest period, spanning 15 days, of this year. In ancient times, Chinese people named this period Dashu, or the Major Heat. It is the 12^th of the 24 solar terms on the traditional Chinese calendar, the last solar term of summer.

In hot weather, some outdoor workers such as sanitation workers and building workers are still sticking to their posts. Many citizens sent them mung bean soup, water, and other love supplies.

During a break from work, Zhu Hongchun, an urban sanitation worker, got a free popsicle from a volunteer. Working in hot days, Zhu Hongchun drinks 3000 ml of water every day to quench her thirst. When she comes home at night, white "salt blooms" can be seen on her clothes. Receiving popsicles makes Zhu and her workmates feel cool in summer.

In Ge'ao reservoir, many builders received free mineral water, and Gan is one of them. "I'm grateful to volunteers for sending so much mineral water to our reservoir builders," said Gan. From the Tingxia reservoir in the 1980s to the current Ge'ao reservoir, he has participated in the construction of more than 20 reservoirs.

Many construction sites have also prepared heatstroke prevention articles for workers. At the construction site of the Yangsi'ao tunnel, mineral water, mung bean soup, and medicines are ready. Moreover, the hottest time of noon is set aside for the workers to rest.

Many followers of Yongpai APP also praised such a loving behavior.

"Miaomiao_531" said that standing in high temperature for a few minutes can make people sweat, so that working is not easy. We should pay tribute to the workers.

"Hong_sdvN" said that if people do what they can, the whole city will be better. Ningbo is a city full of love.

"Ranran Mama" expressed the desire to join the public welfare action. She said they also want to do what they can to respond to this warm-hearted action, and hope to join this action as volunteers.

At the same time, more enterprises and volunteers have also joined in the action to spread love and care.

Chief Adviser: Zhou Fangzhou

Proofreader: Xu Zhuowei

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