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马氏盛族马小秋秋言物语 Ⅱ 58 穿衣之道

2023-06-30 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条







马氏盛族马小秋|Last night, before retiring to bed, I posted three selfies in my WeChat Moments. One of my friends was interested in my home/casual wear and asked what brand I wore. I said, “Dongmen-Eastgate”. She replied: "I've never heard of that brand!” As Chairman of the Board of a Hong Kong-listed company, everything I wear must be a top brand, according to many people. But that's not the case. Some people prefer top brands, but I wear what suits me best.

Q Dongmen- Eastgate” refers to the Dongmen Pedestrian Street. It is a wholesale market, where one finds tailored clothes and above -average brand names. My clothes are mostly from there, including leisure/home wear——which I was wearing when I took the selfies. These garments may be made in a common commercial district, but I wear them if they have been well designed with heart and skill, and they reflect my style in an elegant way. Once, a fashionably dressed girl ran after me, and she offered to buy the pink dress I wore, mistaking it for Chanel!

Make no mistake, I love the top names in fashion. Some bring amazing craftsmanship and represent the soul of culture——an accumulation of centuries that reflects heart and spirit. Any brand that has lasted a long time is likely a crystallization of these qualities. I hope that those who wear luxurious names in fashion do so because of those qualities, and not just because of the names. I hope that people will appreciate the intrinsic cultural value of clothes that enjoy such love and appreciation throughout the world.

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